I immediately went to the internet and researched this. There were scores of aritlces about this, almost all from past years, but a few, such as that From Fox 4 TV in Cape Coral Florida, dated 11/25/11 which made clear that this isn't a rehash of prior SA bans by Target but it is right now, for this year and here is a bit of the text of their broadcast with link so you can read it or watch a video of it: http://www.fox4now.com/news/local/134510833.html
Salvation Army bell ringers banned at Target
Salvation Army bell ringers a "distraction?"
By Matt Grant CREATED Nov. 25, 2011
CAPE CORAL - The Salvation Army's red kettles are banned at Target and that has some residents seeing red. "This is an insidious and ridiculous attack on people who need help," said Cape Coral resident Dick Kalfus. "It's absolutely frightful."
The Salvation Army collects money for needy families and buys toys for kids at Christmas. But Target's corporate office sees that as soliciting, which the company doesn't allow. "They've insulted all people in southwest Florida that rely on the Salvation Army for help," said Kalfus. "I think it's a stupid decision."
But Target's corporate office sees that as soliciting, which the company doesn't allow.Spokesperson Jessica Carlson said: "We do not permit solicitation or petitioning at our stores regardless of the cause or issue being represented." Carlson says the company's no-solicitation policy "does not diminish" their support for the Salvation Army.
A Salvation Army spokesperson says they are grateful for stores that do allow bell ringers this time of year.
Still, the ban isn't sitting well with Kalfus, who is calling for a boycott of the retail giant. "They've insulted all people in southwest Florida that rely on the Salvation Army for help," said Kalfus. "I think it's a stupid decision. Target doesn't owe me an apology," said Kalfus. "But they certainly owe an apology to the people who have been depending on the Salvation Army, a magnificent organization, to help them." "Hopefully they will see the light," he said.
Matt Grant, Reporter, mgrant@fox4now.com