Translation: a good samaritan came to assist a Tarbutt screwup security weenie who was having a problem arresting a shoplifter, and had called out for help from anyone, the guy (Timothy Therrien) ended up knifed and as usual this fucked up company wouldn't compensate the man for his serious injuries.
The moral of this story is: TARGET SUCKS and hopefully this will eventually end up with a major award for Therrien.
My interest in this is that I hate Tarbutt, the morons sued me for 23 months for having been one of several people who posted their 'AP Directives 2006' which is also a tiny part of this case as they show that the Tarbutt AP screwup violated many portions of their Directives.
In one message board a Tarbutt AP thug opined about their Directives that no one paid any attention to them and that they were just 'advisory'. As the case demonstrates, this is clearly accurate, as almost nothing was done according to their own Directives.
Additional documents have been entered (see reproduced pages) which I would love to have so I can post them, if any of you disaffected Tarbut AP types have them send them to me (see masthead for contact info) and I will post them for everyone to see. And in regard to my own suit, it was tossed out after Tarbutt probably spent 250k on it, my outlay was $0.
This is the case if you want to look it up:
TIMOTHY S. THERRIEN, an individual, Plaintiff,
Case No. 06-CV-217 (JHP-FHM)
a Minnesota corporation, Defendant.
In this case all the Target AP information was intoduced, these are some of the items that Target had to produce for the trial. If you don't want to bother to click the below image, here is what you would bring up:
62 Target Asset Protection Common Directives, effective 3/7/05
(Bates-numbered pages: 64-65, 69, 72-73, 75, 93-95)
63 Various Print Outs from CD-rom containing AP Academy - APS Training for Target
• Apprehension Assignment - Skill Assessment
• Apprehension - Deciding to Apprehend
• Apprehension - Approaching the Shoplifter - Before You Approach
• Apprehension - Approaching the Shoplifter - Making the Approach
• Apprehension - Approaching the Shoplifter - Identifying Yourself
• Apprehension - Approaching the Shoplifter - Things Not To Do
• Apprehension - Remember This
• Apprehension - Practice Scenario 1
• Apprehension - Practice Scenario 1 - Outcome 1
• Apprehension - Practice Scenario 1 - Outcome 2
• Certification Apprehension Instructor Guide (first page, table of contents and pp.
• Certification Apprehension Participant Workbook (first page and p. 18)
64 Target Store Executives Asset Protection Orientation Guides, dated January 2005
(Bates-numbered pages: 297, 327-328)
67 Target Certification Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Participant Workbook
77 Target Apprehension Training Skills Assessment & Certification form
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